Protect Yourself Against EMFs

Protect Yourself Against EMFs

You may have heard talk lately about EMFs and the possible effects they can have on you, your family, and your pets. But what are EMFs and how can we protect ourselves against them?

You may have heard talk lately about EMFs and the possible effects they can have on you, your family, and your pets. But what are EMFs and how can we protect ourselves against them?

Electric and Magnetic or Electromagnetic Fields, also known as EMF’s, are classified as charged bigstock-Home-freelance-desktop-with-op-97766120.jpgfundamental particles of matter. They are invisible forces around us that are created by two common forces in nature: electricity and magnetism. Electricity flowing in a current generates magnetic fields. 

EMFs come from both natural and man-made sources. Visible light is one type of natural EMF that is generated by the sun. Man-made EMFs come from several different places within our environment such as utility meters, cell phones, home appliances, cellular towers, RFID readers such as microchips, light bulbs, antennas, and Wi-Fi, which includes all wireless devices in the home. Recent research links health complaints such as headaches, insomnia, and even potentially more serious concerns such as cancer, to the use of wireless networks at work and at home.  

But as the technological demands of our world grow, it is becoming harder to avoid this constant exposure to everyday items that produce EMFs. While it's not practical to entirely shun the use of these items, there are simple changes we can make it then can help lessen our exposure to EMFs. We can turn off our Wi-Fi service overnight, including cell phones, as a very direct action. There are grounding mattresses that help us connect to the natural healing and grounding energy of the earth as well as certain stones and gems, such as hematite, that offer protection and act as a shield against EMFs.

As with all things in life, sometimes an ounce of protection is worth the effort. We had a great discussion this past Sunday at our April FREE Meetup where we addressed the effects of EMFs in our everyday life. The Pet Beastro hosts monthly FREE Meetup events onsite on timely topics related to the health and wellness of ourselves and our pets, so keep an eye for next month's topic.


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