Pet Nutrition & Health Blog

The Best Toys For Your Dog or Cat

The Best Toys For Your Dog or Cat

Toys are an essential part of interacting with your dog or cat. Activities with a fun toy are great exercises for the animal, both physically and mentally. This exercise will contribute to your pet cat or dog's good health. Playtime with your pet will encourage the animal to interact more with you, and it will strengthen the bond between you two.

New Pet Tips & Remedies

New Pet Tips & Remedies

Have you joined the many others across the nation and added a furry friend to the family this past holiday season? Or maybe you plan to in 2013. Along with all the preparations that happen when bringing home a new cat or dog have you ever stopped to think about helping them transition to their new environment? Most cats and dogs can show you their personalities right off the bat but some take time to adjust to the surroundings. It’s no different than how people interact and face new situations, some handle it well and others need an adjustment period.