An Introduction to Pet Massage and Rehabilitation

Pet massage and holistic rehabilitation techniques can work wonders for improving our pet’s mental and physical health. By using different techniques, we can promote different types of healing. Many of these practices are founded in working with our pets’ different energies and transferring our own positive energies into them.

Pet massage and holistic rehabilitation techniques can work wonders for improving our pet’s mental and physical health. By using different techniques, we can promote different types of healing. Many of these practices are founded in working with our pets’ different energies and transferring our own positive energies into them.

Pet Energy Work

Energy work promotes healing on several different levels including our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states.

Sound Healing

Sound healing is a type of energy work in which you can use different types of sonic stimulation to resonate with different parts of your pet’s body. The sound vibrations create a shift within the body that promote peace through the release of tension.

Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is another type of energy work in which crystals are aligned around the body. The crystals pass electrical currents into the body. Different configurations can have stronger effects on the body.

Pet Massage

Pet massage practices are based on the healing properties of Reiki Energy, the healing power of transferring energy from one being to another through touch. There are five steps involved in pet massage:


Pet massages begin by introducing your presence to your pet. Introduce yourself by gently petting along the spine or back. The animal will begin to show signs of relaxation such as yawning or laying down.


Once you’ve introduced yourself, begin to assess your animal’s physical state by running your hands over their body. Take note of any tension filled areas.


Next, begin the actual massage. Start at the animal’s neck and shoulders and use a variety of strokes to stimulate blood flow and lengthen muscles.


Helping your animal stretch their muscles after the body work will help increase flexibility.


Seal in the healing work you’ve done by passing your hands over your animal’s body.

Let Us Help You Learn More!

If you’re interested in learning more about assessing your pet’s health, don’t miss tomorrow’s seminar on the basic signs and symptoms of pet health. Details can be found here.



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