Preparing for Changing Schedules During "Bark" to School Time
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- By Rachael Croley
- Posted in bark to school, dog adjust to schedule change, doggy day care, doggy daycare, dogs home alone, mental stimulation for dogs, pets adjust to schedule changes, schedule change and pets
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With the craziness of back to school, sometimes our furry family members can go a little unnoticed. When routines change, and less time is spent with our dogs, we sometimes see behavior changes in attempt to get your attention. Read more to see what you can do to help them adjust to these changes.
With the craziness of back to school, sometimes our furry family members can go a little unnoticed. When routines change, and less time is spent with our dogs, we sometimes see behavior changes in attempt to get your attention. These behavior changes usually aren’t for the better but there are things we can do to help ease our pets into new family schedules.
What can I do to help my dog adjust?
It’s important you take time out of your busy day to spend a little one-on-one time with your dog. A few quick five minute training sessions daily can make a significant impact on your dog. Mental stimulation is a very important part of your dog’s mental health. A nice walk after work can also help you both unwind, allowing your dog to expel some of the physical energy.
We’re gone for so many hours during the day, what can he do to keep busy while we’re gone?
There are several things you can do to help keep your dogs occupied while you’re gone during the day. Leaving a radio playing will help keep them from listening to things going on outside and help them rest a little easier all day. Crate games such as a frozen kong stuffed with peanut butter are great for keeping them mentally stimulated when they are home by themselves.
My dog usually likes those things, but I don’t always feel like it’s enough.
Have you ever considered doggy day care? Sometimes a visit once or twice weekly can really help your dog expend their physical energy. You can also enroll in an obedience class for a little extra mental and physical stimulation for both you and your pup!
We all need to make adjustments when schedules change. Keeping in mind how what changes we make in our lives affects our pets helps us to plan for a smooth transition.
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