Pet Nutrition & Health Blog

CBD Oil & Your Pet's Health

CBD Oil  & Your Pet's Health

CBD oil derived from hemp is a supplement you can get over the counter and seems to have many positive benefits. However, many people are still nervous to use it because of the association with marijuana yet there is no need to stress. In this article, we'll share what CBD oil derived from hemp is, the conditions we see dogs use it for, and some of the proposed benefits.

Seizures and the Benefit of Pet Chiropractic Care

Seizures and the Benefit of Pet Chiropractic Care

A seizure can be a very scary thing. For the most part, it's a disorder surrounded by several unknowns. Diagnosing a seizure disorder is usually a process of elimination rather than a definitive diagnosis. Through a battery of tests, it is easier to determine what the seizure is not than what exactly it is. The number of disease processes that can lead to seizures is unreal. They range from hypoglycemia, poisoning, head injury, tumors, stroke, nutrient deficiency, and the list goes on.1