What is Pet Chiropractic Care?

What is Pet Chiropractic Care?

Today, we're welcoming Dr. Christina Cole of Advanced Animal Chiropractic to our blog to talk a little bit about her specialty. As you may know, she offers pet chiropractic sessions at The Pet Beastro every two weeks. Her next sessions will be held from 5 - 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10. If you would like to schedule a session with her, please give us a call at (248) 548-3448.

Today, we're welcoming Dr. Christina Cole of Advanced Animal Chiropractic to our blog to talk a little bit about her specialty. As you may know, she offers pet chiropractic sessions at The Pet Beastro every two weeks. Her next sessions will be held from 5 - 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10. If you would like to schedule a session with her, please give us a call at (248) 548-3448.

Animal chiropractic care is chiropractic care for your animal. OK. It really isn’t that simple, but in reality it is not too far off. First, to understand chiropractic care for your animal it is important to understand chiropractic care in general. What may seem like an easy task can be a difficult concept to grasp due to the lack of mainstream use of this type of care. Every chiropractic research article likes to point out that only 8 percent of the population uses chiropractic care, and it is my guess that only an iota of that 8 percent utilizes chiropractic care for their animals.

Chiropractic Care and the Nervous System

Let me begin by breaking down chiropractic into simpler terms. Your body is run by the nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and spinal nerves). When the nervous system isn’t functioning properly, the body shuts down because none of our other systems (immune, cardiovascular, muscular, and lymphatic) will work when the nervous system is malfunctioning.

Think of it this way, your nervous system acts as the control center and your spine acts as the super highway of information. Each nerve is a different exit along that highway carrying different messages and going to a different destination. All are important in their own right. If an accident were to occur along the highway, all of those commuters (messages) are going to run into some interference. They may not make it to their original destinations or it may take them an exceptionally long time due to the traffic back up.

Now, in real life we all know how infuriating traffic can be, but a little delay in us reaching our destinations won’t kill us. In our nervous systems however, a delay in messages reaching the proper destination could in fact lead to death, cell death, muscular death, soft tissue death… the list goes on.

As a structurally-based chiropractor, I locate the areas that may be acting as “accidents” along the spine and extremities. Then I begin to restore normality through chiropractic adjustments. Depending on the severity of the accident, it may take only one or two adjustments to fix the scene versus four to six for more serious issues. Either way, when a structural fixation exists a chiropractic adjustment will fix the issue at hand. When that fixation is removed, many other secondary accidents (from gawkers across the road) begin to clear up as well.

Pet Chiropractic Care

What’s most important to realize is that chiropractic treatment for your animal does not have to be a lifelong experience. At the same time, just because one accident has cleared does not mean another one isn’t right around the corner! Chiropractic is not meant to be a band-aid, it is meant to be a life changer.

I specialize in protective plans for your pet, where we don’t focus on playing catch up and only treating them while showing secondary conditions. Instead, I run a practice where I help to protect your animal from ever developing these deep-seated fixations, thus maintaining stability in the spine and offering protection against future damage.

In essence, an animal under chiropractic care has a leg up on his or her health. Protection against damage is the best thing an owner can do for their fur baby. While sometimes injury is inevitable, an animal under chiropractic care will be well equipped to handle that injury and overcome it in a shorter amount of time.

Please note that all chiropractic care is given with the consent of a veterinarian, veterinarian referral, or in a veterinarian office. If you have scheduled an upcoming session with Dr. Cole, please be sure to fill out this form and bring it with you to your session.


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