Why Do Cats Need To Play?
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- By Dr. Jill Tack, Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor
- Posted in cat toys, cats, Mental Stimulation Tips For Dogs & Cats, Treats & Toys For Cats & Dogs
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Cats at play can resemble hunting behavior which is an integral part of your feline’s daily activities. Your cat should have playtime daily and if that isn’t happening, you may need to step up your game!
What better way to celebrate cats and their playfulness than on World Cat Day! Stop by in-store only on Monday, August 8th to receive 20% off all cat toys and celebrate the holiday with us!
Play can resemble hunting behavior which is an integral part of your feline’s daily activities. Your cat should have playtime daily and if that isn’t happening, you may need to step up your game!
My Cat Doesn’t Like To Play
You may need to consider the type of cat toys you get for your feline friend. Each kitty is different in their hunting and prey behavior. There are many ways to engage in play with your cat.
Some cats prefer the whirring of wand toys which allows them to track better with the noise associated with it just as if they were hunting outside. Other cats prefer toys that are on the ground with rolling or other patterns associated with watching and waiting for patterns to pounce. Your cat may go through phases where one type of toy is better than others. Their pattern of play may even change with age.
Benefits Of Play For Cats
- Weight loss
- Cognitive function
- Mental stimulation
- Coordination
- Increase appetite
- Better sleep patterns
- Relieves boredom and poor behavior
- Reduces behavioral complaints
- Improved cat/owner relationship
- Reduced stress
Playing Is Healthy For A Cat’s Digestion
Playtime prior to your cat's dinner time can improve digestion and reduce boredom. The thought behind playing with your cat first is that it would mimic their behavior if they had to hunt for their food. Most cats will catch and release their prey prior to eating it providing a release in hormones, making their dinner more fulfilling. This can help with cats who tend to overeat or act like they need more food.
Tips To Reduce Poor Cat Behavior
Other items to have in your home that can help reduce poor behavior are vertical spaces, climbing areas such as
- carpeted cat trees,
- cardboard scratchers,
- and hiding spaces.
These spots are tools that allow cats to hide, pounce, and work on their stalking instincts.
15-30 Minutes Of Play Makes For A Great Cat Nap
Your playtime with your kitty doesn’t have to be long spans of time. Most cats have a threshold of fewer than 30 minutes before they are ready to move on to a cat nap. Shorter sessions yield more interaction between your cat and their attention span. At the end of the play session, allow your cat to “catch” the toy or engage with the toy in some way rather than making playtime impossible. This helps to improve and motivate interactions during play sessions. Once playtime is over, you will want to hide toys that have strings attached or feathers that they could consume. If your cats are anything like mine, they often crunch and destroy the fun before the next play session if we forget to hide the wand toys!
Playtime with your cat should be fun and entertaining. Enrichment activities are an important part of keeping felines happy and healthy! Stop by our retail location in Madison Heights, Michigan just north of Detroit, or visit us via our natural pet food, treats, toys, and supplies store online to see our wide selection of cat toys.
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